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You're a Listener and don't get it...

In anticipation of your Christmas party and resultant hangover...  we thought we'd give you a reason to have just one more for the road (please don't drink and drive) If it weren't for booze, half of the radio stations in the United States wouldn't function.  Booze is what many Program Directors rely on to give them that moment of clarity in which they see exactly what must be done to save the radio station and propel it to number one in the ratings.........  Booze is also the reason a PD will call the station manager a Fat F**k and tell him where to go at the Christmas party... resulting in one of those memos that states... "Joe Blow, KRUD Program Director has decided to pursue other interests.  We wish him well in his new endeavor."

KRUD Listener Tip: Quit requesting that damn "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" by Elmo and Patsy!  If you like it so much why don't  you buy the damn thing.. same thing for the barking dogs, the mewing cats, the snorting pigs and whatever else someone comes up with that allows us to forget what Christmas is all about.... Presents for the DJ's.