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You're a Listener and don't get it....

Before computers (pronounced: digital) we used to have to slave for hours creating "quality" commercials.  Now we have digital editing systems which means we can screw up in the middle of any commercial and easily correct it with cut and paste.  Now we can read a 60 second spot and take 75 seconds to do it because we can time compress the spot to get it to 60 seconds.  The result of this Digital Revolution is simply this... in many cases the quality of the commmercials will get worse because the technology is more forgiving than it should be. should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.should be.... <end of file>

KRUD Listener Tip: Just think.... school is almost out.  Spring break is always a sample of what is to come for many of us on the air.  How many DJ's do you think are looking forward to your kids being able to call anytime they please and harass us over and over and over again... requesting the same song every five minutes?