You're a Listener and don't get it....

We look forward to school starting because it gives those of us on the air during the day a break from groups of giggling girls in training bras and their incessant phone calls for the same stupid song over and over. It gives us a break from the 6 year olds that just discovered the telephone. It gives us a break from wise-ass 13 year olds saying "You Suck!" and hanging up. It gives us a break from 7 year olds who call constantly to see if they are the ninefh collwer. Yes, the beginning of the school year is a wonderful time for us.... except now the little bastards have cell phones.

KRUD Listener Tip: The Fall Rating Period begins soon... look for exciting TV commercials that will make you turn off the TV and turn on the radio. While you're at it, look at how bad some of those radio station commercials are. You can usually tell which stations really spent some money and had the commercials created for them and which stations "made them themselves"..... you get what you pay for. If a radio station's TV commercial doesn't make you laugh or make you feel like you really have a chance to win some cool stuff... it's a failure and they should have just thrown the money out the window.