You're a Listener and you don't get it... 

A door code that doesn't work can strike fear in the heart of a radio station employee. The reason? You can always tell when someone has been fired at a radio station because the door code doesn't work anymore. Radio stations NEVER change door codes unless they fire someone. The changing of the door code almost always precedes the memo about someone being let go to pursue "other Interests". Many of us in the business consider a functioning door code proof of continued employment.

KRUD Listener Tip:   Radio Sales people...sorry... "Account Executives".. do have a symbiotic relationship with the air staff.

AE: Hey, I promised the client I'd get his spot produced and on the air by 6pm!
Jock: It's 5:30 now man!
AE: What do you need?
Jock: A couple of Chili's Dinner Certificates would be good.
AE: Done

Need movie passes for the weekend? That's Joe's account. Need a deep discount on carpet for the double-wide? That's Mary Joe's account. Need some free tickets to the game this weekend? That's Charlie's account. The air staff loves the AEs when they come through with the goods... other than that... they're still perceived as a bunch of lounge lizards and slime balls who would sell their Granny into slavery without blinking an eye.