Great Timing 

Thought you guys might find this mildly amusing.  It happened a number of years ago when I was working at a country station.  Back then, before the invention of affordable CD players (our GM was a tightwad) we had all of our music on reels.   There were four of them and they were wired to where the jocks could throw a switch and they'd trip one another.   Well, this particular afternoon, we had a breaking news story...the Space Shuttle Challenger had blown up.  Of course, we ceased all music and went to live news coverage.  The mid-day jock (who now is unemployed) obviously didn't check the music sheets to see what song was next on which reel.  So the outcue of "...once again, the Space Shuttle has blown up.   More on network news as it becomes available" was heard, immediately followed by the station jingle and a Billy Joe Royal tune.   The name of the BJR Song?   "BURNED LIKE A ROCKET".  I was in the office next to the Operations Manager.  He looked at the radio, walked into the control room, looked at the midday jock (who by now had a cigarette lit in one hand and his head in the other hand), and said "Reeeeaaaal Good genius."  Thanks for KRUD!  It's right on target.