They (the DJs) Are Also Stupid

I love your site and thought I would contribute to it with a story I couldn't even be creative enough to make up, if you would omit last names and identifying info.

I have been working at XXXX Radio in Tennessee for some time, and I know small markets are often entertaining all by themselves, but this one gets me!

Since 1956 there has been a part timer here called xxxxxxx, he has been doing a sunday morning show since time began, and his show would amaze you, but this one day (legend has it) about 15 years ago, the station lost power for over an hour, and the "xxxxxxxl" was doing
his show in the studio, and everyone that was there was freaking out, trying to get the station back on the air, and xxxxxxx, stayed in the studio, lights out, and he was talking into the mic still, and so another staffer went in to hear what was going on, there he was, talking!  Here's the infamous qoute that still lingers in the break room, "...Just as soon as we get the power back on, we are gonna play some more music!"  He stayed in there for the duration of the power outage, and read the sponsors plugs on time (by flashlight) and continued his show!
Thought you would get a kick out of that!