There's No Money For That

Okay, this is a while ago... but a true story!

I was working as Creative Director for two radio stations in Canada, and fighting for a raise for the writers.

In the past 12 months we had won all kinds of National and International Awards (CLIO, 4 of them, Orson Wells, bla bla) for our radio spots. The stations were continually sold out and we were working like dogs.

Naturally the Program Director said, sorry, no money available.  (By the way the PD ( not the writers or producers) flew to New York all expenses paid to go to the Clio awards and pick-up the hardware...but hey, he did send us a postcard!)

Anyway, it wasn't a week later that the PD announced that he, and his favorite news announcer, and suit, would be flying down to Florida to broadcast live, the launch of the Space Shuttle.

Hello? This is radio. If you were interested in the launch, wouldn't you just turn on the TV?  Yup were counting down, yup you should see this... Yup... There went the money that would have given raises to three writers for a year.

Go figure?