The GM From Hell

This GM story left me and my staff shaking our heads.  A few months ago we were in the process of getting bids on a new station van.  I knew that we had to spend the money allocated to us during that particular month, so I was working feverishly to get the bids in so we could get our new van in the quickest time possible.  

Well, our GM is one of those guys who "has to think about things for a couple of days", before he can make a decision on anything.  (another reason I was working feverishly)  Several days go by and I bring him all the bids that I had received, for his approval, at which time he finds out that I wanted a van colored black.  Then, HE FREAKS OUT! "Do you realize how hard it is to maintain a black van, because I've got a black vehicle and it takes 5 times as much soap to keep a black vehicle clean than a white vehicle.  Then, his phone rang, he took the call, and I walked out of his office.  That's when all the head shaking began, and it hasn't stopped yet. 

I did get my black van, by the way, and so far we haven't gone over budget on soap.