Engage Brain Before Speaking

Subject: Know What Not To Say On The Air
From: Name withheld by request

The following is a perfect example of how to learn from other people's mistakes...

I was the one who made the mistake. There I was, sittin' pretty in a top-50 market in a great town. I was Production Director at a Howard stern affiliate and had a short two-hour lunchtime air shift.

Everything's was going great. Then Princess Diana decides to go on her infamous car ride. In an effort to keep with the stations "envelope-pushing" status, and to stay topical... (Keep in mind, her body wasn't even cold yet.) I cracked the mic. and offered lunch to the third person to call up and say: "I'm so hungry, I could eat Princess Dianna's dead, rotting corpse."

They did call, but they didn't merely call me, they also called our sponsors, and our GM. But wait, that's not all... After I knew I was in deep shit, I explained via e-mail to my friend Gary (Bababooey) of the Stern show what was going on. Unbenounced to me, he thought it would be of interest to Howard himself! So, there is Howard Stern reading MY e-mail to 40 million listeners, including my PD and GM.

They felt I not only pushed the "envelope" too far, but I also licked it, stamped it, and mailed it right up the station's ass.

That next day, I'm in the parking lot wondering where I can get resumes printed cheap.

The moral? Leave dead royalty alone, unless you have Howard Stern's lawyers.